Posted Nov 2017
Kimberly brings to GrowthPort Partners 30 + years of hard-hitting professional leadership and HR experience with fresh perspective, investment in kindness and enthusiasm for growth and possibility.
Kimberly’s ease in the face of chaos was forged early in her career during the Silicon Valley growth explosion, as she began her career in Human Resources.
The daughter of influential educators, Kimberly approaches most situations as a seasoned teacher—- with a comfortable conviction that applied knowledge and understanding is the path to efficiency, progress, and success. Kimberly’s stylistic nuance shines through in her ability to achieve transformative results in improving accuracy and efficiency, streamlining processes, developing procedures, and delivering successful organizational objectives through sound communication, project management, and appropriate assignment of roles.
Kimberly is a force that seamlessly bridges process, policy, and procedure. She exists as an advocate for what is important and knows how to get an individual, a team, or a large corporation, “there”.